The European small claims procedure is a small claims procedure that took effect on 1 January 2009 across the European Union for dealing with cross-border claims under the Brussels regime up to a value of 2,000 Euro.
Small claims procedures provide a middle ground between formal litigation and ADR, where disputes involving small value claims can be resolved in courts faster, cheaply, and less formally. The main limitation of small claims procedures is that they are restricted to particular jurisdictions. In order to overcome this limitation the European Commission has produced a regulation for a European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP).[1] Implementation of the ESCP is expected in all EC Member States by January 2009. The ESCP is predominantly a written procedure that deals with claims under €2,000 arising in cross-border disputes. Its main advantage is that it provides for the enforcement of decisions in any of the member states without the present need to go through the formal mutual recognition of judgements (exequatur).[2]